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Star & Earth Crystals

Pyrite Heart

Pyrite Heart

Regular price $55.00 AUD
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Pyrite is beneficial to those who have poor self-esteem. It gives you the self-assurance you need to deal with nerve-wracking circumstances and conversations. Pyrite can be particularly useful for people who are nervous among family members, coworkers, or friends. It will assist you in seeing the problem for what it is and dealing with it effectively. This beautiful golden crystal has a powerful energy and it works wonders with the intellect and psychic powers. First and foremost, in the presence of Pyrite, your illogical worries and lack of confidence gradually go away. The stone then helps to boost your self-esteem and inspire you. Pyrite, moreover, maintains your enthusiasm intact and prevents you from being broken by external pressures.

Spiritually, this stone assists you in fully healing by accepting yourself as you are. The Pyrite stone guarantees a continual flow of good energy for this aim. Then, through boosting energy and awareness, it aids your spiritual evolution. Pyrite's purpose is to keep you strong, stable, and free of the chains of domination. It appears to have an intuitive quality that helps to keep you safe — spiritually and emotionally. In Feng Shui, pyrite crystals give out Earth and Fire energies. For Earth energy, place a pyrite mirror, figure, or bowl of tumble stones at the northeast and southwest corners of your home. This sort of energy is associated with love, relationships, education, and abilities. It will offer a sense of security and safety when put in resting locations. Pyrite can be placed in the south of a home to offer Fire energy. Yang energy, warmth, excitement, and a sense of well-being will be attracted to it. 

Pyrite will oxidise if  rinsed in water. Cleanse your Pyrite with sage smoke or bury it in a bowl of brown rice overnight.


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