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Star & Earth Crystals

Lemurian Rough Quartz Points

Lemurian Rough Quartz Points

Regular price $16.00 AUD
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Connect with the ancient civilisation of Lemuria by mediating with a Lemurian Seed Quartz point and running you finger tips over the striations, bar codes.

These broken off, individual points are said to have been programmed by the Lemurians with information needed at this time in human evolution.

You’ll be drawn to the Lemurian Seed Point that is for you. Sometimes it leaps forward toward you! “Yes ME, it’s ME!” That’s the one for you.

Over time the insights and wisdom will be revealed to you. The Lemurians were said to be gentle and highly evolved beings who lived completely in tune with nature. Carry your Lemurian Seed Point with you or place it next on your bedside table or wear a Lemurian Seed Point pendant.

Lemurian Seed Quartz Points like the ocean. You can cleanse them in sea water but be careful not to lose them in the waves!

You can also use other methods to cleanse them such as Singing Bowls, sage smoke etc.

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